Have an idea, nomination, athlete for a Western Slope/Grand Valley Great? Let us know! Email wsgreats@gjradio.com NEW EPISODES FMHS HOFTab 2FMHS HOFFM HOF Wendy Caldwell 2-20 2025FMHS HOF Clarence Ross 1-18-2024FMHS HOF Class of '82 Girls Basketball Dallas Meyer 1-19-2024FMHS HOF Caleb Marquardt 1-26-2025FMHS HOF Bud Marez 1-25-2024Tab 2CMU HOH volleyball Jordyn Moody 10-17 2024GJ HOF Sandra Elliott 1-23 2025WS Greats 1990 Central boys basketball 3-21 2025WS Greats GJ B-ball Jane Quimby 10-31 20241994 Palisade FB State Champions WS GreatsPalisde FB 94 Champions Ben Steele 10-30 2024 ARCHIVE Grand Valley/Western Slope GreatsGrand Valley/Western Slope GreatsGrand Valley Greats - 1957 Grand Junction FootballGrand Valley Greats - 1964 Fruita WrestlingGrand Valley Greats - 1966 Fruita FootballGrand Valley Greats - 1976 Grand Junction BaseballGrand Valley Greats - 1983 Fruita Monument BasketballGrand Valley Greats - 1988 Grand Junction FootballGrand Valley Greats - 1990 Central Boys BasketballGrand Valley Greats - 1993 Fruita Monument BaseballGrand Valley Greats - 1994 Grand Junction FootballGrand Valley Greats - 1994 Palisade FootballGrand Valley Greats - 1994-95 Grand Junction TigersGrand Valley Greats - 1997 Central FootballGrand Valley Greats - 1998 Palisade Girls SoccerGrand Valley Greats - 2000 Fruita Monument FootballGrand Valley Greats - 2000 Mesa State RMAC TitleGrand Valley Greats - 2001-02 Mesa State Women's BasketballGrand Valley Greats - 2002 Central BaseballGrand Valley Greats - 2002 Palisade FootballGrand Valley Greats - 2003 Palisade FootballGrand Valley Greats - 2003 Fruita Monument FootballGrand Valley Greats - 2005 Grand Junction FootballGrand Valley Greats - 2005 Grand Junction BaseballGrand Valley Greats - 2007 Mesa State BaseballGrand Valley Greats - Andrew WalterGrand Valley Greats - Bill FanningGrand Valley Greats - Bill NoxonGrand Valley Greats - Brian BernalGrand Valley Greats - Bus BergmanGrand Valley Greats - Central BodybuildingGrand Valley Greats - Dave FoxGrand Valley Greats - Daven BondGrand Valley Greats - Doug MusgraveGrand Valley Greats - Doug SkakelGrand Valley Greats - Duane BanksGrand Valley Greats - Gene TaylorGrand Valley Greats - Glenn RandallGrand Valley Greats - Grand Junction Tennis - Fonte/BottinelliGrand Valley Greats - Grand Junction Tennis - Houst/BarrensGrand Valley Greats - Grand Junction Tennis - Jordan BridgeGrand Valley Greats - Jamie HamiltonGrand Valley Greats - Jane QuimbyGrand Valley Greats - Jill Teeters-DerrieuxGrand Valley Greats - Joe MeinhardtGrand Valley Greats - Joe Ramunno Palisade FootballGrand Valley Greats - Josh PenryGrand Valley Greats - Josh Pittsinger/Sam SafkenGrand Valley Greats - Juanita TrujilloGrand Valley Greats - Kathy Holtis-DanielsGrand Valley Greats - Mark MillerGrand Valley Greats - Max KrolicheckGrand Valley Greats - McKenzie DyslinGrand Valley Greats - Natalie HughesGrand Valley Greats - Nate CampbellGrand Valley Greats - Paul CainGrand Valley Greats - Pete CyphersGrand Valley Greats - Phil WortmannGrand Valley Greats - Ray CocaGrand Valley Greats - Richard JohnsonGrand Valley Greats - Richard Medina 1Grand Valley Greats - Richard Medina 2Grand Valley Greats - Richard Medina 3Grand Valley Greats - Robert TuckerGrand Valley Greats - Ryan MantloGrand Valley Greats - Sam SuplizioGrand Valley Greats - Sergio RomoGrand Valley Greats - Steve KaskeGrand Valley Greats - Sunni RussellGrand Valley Greats - Tom BeckGrand Valley Greats - Travis BoundsGrand Valley Greats - Tyler HawkinsWestern Slope Football Showdown (From 2020)Western Slope Football Showdown - 1960 Delta Axel HastoWestern Slope Football Showdown - 1966 Fruita Rich ParisWestern Slope Football Showdown - 1966 Fruita Clarence RossWestern Slope Football Showdown - 1966 Fruita Mel BarbeeWestern Slope Football Showdown - 1973 Rifle Gordon CooperWestern Slope Football Showdown - 1988 Grand Junction Matt PhillipsWestern Slope Football Showdown - 1991 Montrose Larry NewlinWestern Slope Football Showdown - 1994 Palisade Josh DeWittWestern Slope Football Showdown - 1997 Palisade Ryan McCallWestern Slope Football Showdown - 1997 Central Vern McGeeWestern Slope Football Showdown - 1997 Central Nate CampbellWestern Slope Football Showdown - 1997 Central Rod PierceWestern Slope Football Showdown - 1997 Central Luke RoswellWestern Slope Football Showdown - 1997 Central/2012 Cedaredge Brandon MillhollandWestern Slope Football Showdown - 1997 Central Chris WhitesideWestern Slope Football Showdown - 2000 Fruita Monument Bill MooreWestern Slope Football Showdown - 2000 Fruita Monument Bill MooreWestern Slope Football Showdown - 2000 Fruita Monument Miles KochevarWestern Slope Football Showdown - 2003 Fruita Monument Riar GeerWestern Slope Football Showdown - 2003 Fruita Monument Tom GoffWestern Slope Football Showdown - 2003 Palisade Chuck NissenWestern Slope Football Showdown - 2005 Grand Junction Shawn MarshWestern Slope Football Showdown - 2005 Grand Junction Kris MeansWestern Slope Football Showdown - 2008 Glenwood Springs Rocky WhitworthWestern Slope Football Showdown - 2008 Olathe Ryan CornWestern Slope Football Showdown - 2008 Olathe Ryan CornWestern Slope Football Showdown - 2012 Cedaredge Brandon MillhollandWestern Slope Football Showdown - 2012 Cedaredge Dante MarkleyWestern Slope Football Showdown - 2012 Cedaredge CJ CannellWestern Slope Football Showdown - 2012 Cedaredge Dustin StracenerWestern Slope Football Showdown - 2013 Montrose Chuck AlexanderWestern Slope Football Showdown - 2013 Montrose Pete ShearerWestern Slope Football Showdown - 2014 Paonia Brett McCraeWestern Slope Football Showdown - 2019 Delta Ryan Whittington